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Rope Access Painting

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Rope Access Painting

At High Level Painting are the abseil painting specialists. Also known as rope access painting, abseil painting uses abseil climbing techniques to allow our experienced painters to access difficult-to-reach areas of your property such as roofs and tight spaces. With over 20 years of experience with commercial, residential and strata high-level complex painting, we at At High Level Painting can ensure the best quality job for you. We know the value of a well-presented and maintained building – it is your investment and you want it to look as good as can be.

Abseil painting (also known as rope access painting) means that a painting job can be done quickly and easily. We offer paint or repainting services for buildings of any size using only the highest-quality paints. We also offer colour matching services to ensure that the paint job on your building is as great as can be. Our abseil painters are IRATA qualified and always strictly comply with all OHS requirements. This allows us to complete all jobs swiftly and safely.

Because abseiling techniques are used in an abseil painting job it means that the job can be done both quicker and at a saving to you. No longer do you have to put up with bulky scaffolding equipment that is expensive, an eyesore and potentially dangerous to customers and passers-by. We can set up efficiently, get the job done and pack up in half the time it would take a traditional scaffold painting job to be completed.

At High Level Painting has completed some of the most prestigious painting jobs in Sydney, work that we have done with pride. These jobs were completed using abseil painting techniques, and the quality of the work speaks for itself.

Get in contact with At High Level Painting today and see how abseil painting can transform your property for the better.